Buellxb.com has acquired BuellForums.com

Buellxb Forum

Help Support Buellxb Forum:

Since the name will stay Buellxb.com, would it be possible to mention that there are places in the forum for all Buells when the site name shows up when searched?
With regards to why this forum looks like it's 1990's material. This forum is meant to be light and fast.

I personally own multiple cars and often participate in the typical, feature rich forums for Dodge Challengers, Nissan 350z's, Chevy Trucks, etc. They are often REALLY annoyingly slow to load. I even have new Apple computers and a 20 Mbps cable connection. The sites are just heavy with too much code, lipstick etc.

I also like checking the forums from my iPhone from time to time and those forums drag hard on a 3G connection.

This forum always loads fast for me and I clear my cache every single time I close my browser.

This site is about the content, not fancy avatars, fancy smilies, etc.

I will work to add key features that people want. I've delayed on a chat feature because I want as many conversations to be public as possible. That's one of the points of a resource like our forum is so that we create a searchable database of knowledge for everyone to use. That said I know that is EXACTLY the reason many former BuellForums.com guys are frustrated. They want that historical, searchable content.

Before the transfer I looked over the forum quickly. I noticed that it has half as many members and many of the post dates looks old, unlike here where we have at least a hundred or so new posts every day. I completely missed that it had become a home for Blast enthusiasts. I should have spent more time digging and maybe I would have noticed how busy that section of BuellForums.com was.

I am just getting to know you BuellXB and your forum but I already have great respect for you on how you are handling this merger and treating all the new members, especially the angry ones. Thank you for all your help in trying to get our data back for us !!

I agree keeping a forum light and quick is good and I also try and load our former site on my phone for data and it would be slow. maybe down the load we can talk about certain features everyone might benefit from that shouldn't slow the site down. but lets sort out the bigger problems at hand now before that. especially if the data is gone for good, then we have bigger problems...
THANK YOU buellxb[up]. for me this forum runs real smooth, is easy to navagate & fast. keep it real (easy). and keep the name: BUELLXB.COM.
if you google buell tuber,blast or 1125 forum buellxb comes up in the top 5 if not the first.if you google well known blast,tuber or 1125 problems buellxb is usally in the top 5 if not first.if you just search buell its in the first 10.buellxb seems to work fine
I see the point in keeping the forum running fast. BF did take a bit to load at times.

@BF'ers: JOEL does make a point, it was our forum that went up in smoke and BXB that made our blank page redirect to here. In all honesty, they don't have to do crap for us...but they are. There's no need to knock the lack-of features on this forum, the admin has it this way for a reason. If you would like to see a feature, I'm know you're capable of making a thread in the appropriate area, in a polite manner; I've seen you do it on BF.com, give these guys the same respect you did us.

@JOEL: On the other side of the argument, seeing as our information is gone anyways (as of right now), we could just take our memberships and traffic elsewhere. It's a two-way street.

However, that would not be the most beneficial option for all. For this to be a successful merge, there has to be give and take on both sides; sure more give on our (BF's) part, but still some on both.

I've lurked here on BXB for a while now. I've been a long member of BF. I've seen numerous forums merge and split. As long as we don't have hard feelings towards BXB for what happened, we should expect the same in return.

@BXB: Again, please understand that we don't blame you, we just have nowhere else to collectively complain and vent, right now. It will subside.
All I gots to say is I love Blasts and regret not finding out about Buellforums before this. Hope to see a ton of new stuff in the Blast section!

Oh and welcome to the buellxb noobs :p
I've delayed on a chat feature because I want as many conversations to be public as possible. That's one of the points of a resource like our forum is so that we create a searchable database of knowledge for everyone to use.
Agree completely [up]

This site is about the content, not fancy avatars, fancy smilies, etc.
Outside of the endless content and those with vast Buell knowledge and willingness to help, this is the primary reason I don't really spend any time on the other sites. I can't stand all the lame graphics, avatars, etc. those sites can be so busy, it's tiring trying to find the actual content of the thread. Sometimes less is more.

They are often REALLY annoyingly slow to load
There's nothing more annoying than avatars and graphics than when the avatars and graphics take forever to load!

but lets sort out the bigger problems at hand now before that. especially if the data is gone for good, then we have bigger problems...
[up] Rome wasn't built in a day!

again, welcome BF.comers!
Just playing a little devil's advocate here, please don't get all up-in-arms...but most VBulletin forums now offer the option to turn off avatars and signatures in each users' Options page. Whether this actually speeds up the forum on a per user basis, I don't know, I've never used it; I enjoy seeing others' avatars.
...and I don't think we're getting the data back. I won't go into details.

That really sucks man! Honestly! I was sitting here trying to explain this situation to my girlfriend and found myself thinking how pissed I'd be if roles reversed and we got screwed.

Just a thought, but there are a lot of members on this forum, various personalities, skills, trades, backgrounds, etc. maybe disclosing some of those details may open a discussion on possible solutions in getting this data back?
Just a thought, but there are a lot of members on this forum, various personalities, skills, trades, backgrounds, etc. maybe disclosing some of those details may open a discussion on possible solutions in getting this data back?
In time, right now I'm still trying.

Involving too many people could collapse the effort.
Yeah I agree 2-3 people is enough working on the matter. I trust jetlee and buellxb, and I am sure they are working as hard as they can. It really is a shame because most of the data on there no one has copies of and we are talking year and years of part numbers and how-to's gone in a flash. luckily our knowledge lives on and we can attempt to rebuild from that. sadly tho this whole situation is going to turn a lot of people off from buells and buell forums (my opinion ofc - I hope I am wrong).....
Man that was a lot of valuable data on there I just hope it gets transferred. I just joined the other site a few weeks ago. Would gave been cool to transfer the users and kick them an email letting them know.
Address a few things:

1.) I highly doubt any BuellForums.com member wishes any negative energy toward BuellXB.com. Like many are saying, it is directed at the owner of BuellForums.com, as he tossed us in the trash (or at least we thought he did). We are (or at least I am) grateful that the BuellXB.com owner is helping us through this transition.

2.) Regarding negative comments about the interface of BuellXB.com, just offering feedback based on our experiences. It was a question that was asked, so people are answering truthfully.

3.) When I first started searching for a Buell Forum, I landed on BadWeatherBikers.com. I imagine mainly because I was searching for Blast info. I found BuellXB.com next, but the Blast activity was limited. I found BuellForums.com and you already know how I feel about that. You can also see my posts here are limited because of that. I rarely used BadWeatherBikers.com because the interface was horrible. Good info., horrible interface.

4.) Buell is basically still alive (erikbuellracing.com). There should be future Buells (RS, RX, SX, AX, and more). I totally understand the commitment to BuellXB.com. If I had an XB (which I'll soon have half of one - Blast Joke ;)) I could see the value in this site. Although:

If I wanted to buy some strawberries, I'd go to strawberries.com.
If I wanted to buy some fruit, I'd go to fruit.com.
If I wanted to buy some oranges, I'd go to fruit.com.
If I wanted to buy strawberries, I could alternatively go to fruit.com.
If I wanted to buy some lettuce, I'd go to lettuce.com.
If I wanted to buy a banana, head of lettuce, peanuts, and a carrot, I'd go to produce.com.

I don't care as much about the name as I do the content, but if we are talking long term, I think BuellForums.com is the better option. I understand BuellXB.com is basically branded. What happens when all the new Buell 1190RS owners want to find a forum dedicated to their bike, maybe go to BuellRS.com? And what about all the Buell XB owners that move onto a Buell 1190RS, but still like their Buell XB chatter, should they stay at BuellXB.com, but also go to BuellRS.com? Or they could stay at BuellXB.com, but maybe the content for the RS isn't as good because all the RS owners don't come to BuellXB.com because that forum seems as though it is dedicated to the Buell XB because they think that is not dedicated to the new RS, so why would they waste their time with BuellXB.com? (yes, run on sentence).

I feel if you have the opportunity to rebrand to BuellForums.com, you should do it!

Another example, I could have HarleyDavidsonForums.com and have all the Harley people come. Or I could have HarleyDavidsonXL1200.com, and only have people wanting to see information on the XL1200.

I understand the dedication, but BuellForums.com will out live BuellXB.com in the long run (name wise). AND, I highly doubt the dedicated BuellXB.com Members will leave.

5.) There were a lot of elements in BuellForums.com that made the experience valuable.
a.) The chat box. It was just handy when needed. Ask a quick question, send out a quick note, etc. It was fun. Not only was there a chat box at the top of the page, but also a completely alternative full chat session, if you wanted to access it. (and nobody really did unless they were drinking :)).
b.) Thank You and Groan. Rarely did anyone use groan, but each user had the opportunity to thank the poster for their useful information specific to that post. It did add to their reputation, but more importantly, it was encouraging and positive. When you thanked a poster, directly below the post would be the list of people who thanked you. As you could imagine, EZBlast, Jet-Lee, Pierce, Thump-E, and a few more had plenty of thank you's. For a newb to receive a thank you was very welcoming, supportive, and motivating.
c.) The images were loaded on the page in a small format, only when you would scroll over the images were would they expand to a larger size and you could browse through them without leaving the thread. You could always click on the image and it would open up in a new tab or new window.
d.) YouTube Videos easily embedded into the post.
e.) PM was better. All the RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE in the BuellXB.com PM is a little ridiculous.
f.) There was a actual private chat opportunity, similar to Facebook. That was active shortly before our balls were stomped on by the BuellForums' owner (or so we thought).
g.) Awards. Similar to your ranking, but more involved. Things like Blast Owner, Site Contributer, Gun Owner, Marines, etc., just added some personality.
h.) About pages were more personable. You could write on their 'wall', or leave comments, look at images or videos they uploaded, links, etc. Just more information in general.
i.) The Look! This forum, like I said before, just looks like another forum. I understand the argument of page loading, but I never had issues loading a page at BuellForums.com. And like jetlee stated, you had the option to change what you would like to see. I've never had any load issues with my phone unless I was on 3G. Still loads, but if there are pictures, it is a bit slower, but nothing I would complain about. 3G is old technology ;). And Page Load Time? Is it really that different? I don't think so. If anything, I always felt BuellXB.com was a bit slower, or clunky-er. I've seen basic HTML sites load slower than sites with richer content. If the code was written poorly, it will run poorly.
j.) There is more, but this is getting a bit long :).

Some of this may seem silly, and to an extent it is, but it added to the experience, a community.

Ultimately, I really don't care about anything but getting that content.
Not only was there a chat box at the top of the page, but also a completely alternative full chat session, if you wanted to access it. (and nobody really did unless they were drinking ).
I was alone a lot. [confused]
As a 1125 member, the buellxb and the buellforums both suck for info! I visited both on a regular basis and found that the xb forum was more active for 1125 than the bf but neither was very good.

I don't really care if the name changes or not but when I talk with other 1125 owners and tell them about buellxb most are under the impression that is a XB ONLY forum.

I would change it to Buellforums.com but I will be here either way.

I also visit Buelletinboard and Badweb and the only one with really good 1125 info is Badweb but you have to deal with the ass hats that come with it..[down]

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