Buellxb.com has acquired BuellForums.com

Buellxb Forum

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talk about a kick in the balls. what a lame a$$ move on BFT's part. well i really hope we can get all the archives from bf's and make them searchable here. i really liked buellforums layout, all the info, thought they were the best forum I've ever found(in regards to layout, user friendliness) and I've been a member of at least 20 or so forums. Just sucks, thats all. i say buellforums as that better fits the overall site name, or at least like was mentioned before a blast.buellxb.com
My former decision on the name subject was probably bias as I feel this is my home forum ( Even though I haven't been a member that long ). Anyways the more I thought about it today, from a business stand point I think that Buellforums.com would be the better choice. I couldn't see doing away with Buellxb all together also ( for instance in the little time I've been a member I've seen several old members who sold there Buells and haven't came on the site in years and just got a new Buell so there back ).
The reason I changed my mind is the fact that Buellxb seems to represent the XB brand from an outside perspective ( which is obviously not true due to the wide verity of Buells here ). If I'm a current forum user of say a gixxer site and I buy a blast, 1125, or tuber and I want to find a Buell forum I may over look the XB forum because that's not what I have. If your are looking to grow it just seems like the better selling point to go with Buellforums from an unbiased stand point. The questions that came to mind were, " will you lose Buellxb members with the name change? "( probably not ) and, " will you lose potential members by not changing the name ( for reasons stated above )? " ( Possibly ) JMO
I am a small business owner and while I was at work today I tried to look at it as if it was my site and what I would do to grow it. A quote that I was told when first going into business for myself " Owning/Growing a business is like swimming upstream as soon as you stop swimming forward you will be going backwards " Just a little food for thought.
Would it be possible to use both domains so you could go to either link but end up in the same place? Then you could just add to the forum banner Buellforums.com.

Just a thought.
Ahhhhhhh buellxb.com...... And sorry but that big hole where a motor should be on a blast just looks odd. IMHO
I've read through all of this, and I feel for all the members of BF. If this site were to go *poof* I would be FREAKING out! I, as I'm sure many of you did with BF, use this and the members for a LOT of problems, advice, etc.

That having been said, I have a suggestion to buellxb. What about modifying the header banner to read BOTH titles. Maybe stagger "BuellForums.com" and "BuellXB.com" in their respective stylized titling? Also, and I don't know the possibility/likelihood of this, but to address the "model specific" arguement, could the following be created and migrate the site...


Just a thought, but I wonder the expense and likelihood. We already segregate our postings by model. We could then have the general chat as buellxb.com, but them the different models could be the format above. As others have said...just my .02
Buellxb, I'm cool with whatever you call this site as long as we don't lose years of good post on the old buellforums.com site. Like Jetlee said, there's a ton of Blast activity out there, including my post about how to roll your own home-made Blast rearsets.

Gotta admit this saddens me a bit, hate to see a good forum go away. I'm not an active participant on this forum, but have been on buellforums.com since 2007, I was even a moderator over there. Life moves on, best of luck.
So, I had a handful of projects on the table, one of which I was going to be starting tomorrow morning (cam swap). I now no longer have those helpful posts and pictures to reference. Lame.

I was also documenting my progress and had some pretty lengthy posts over there.

I like Jetlee's idea of blastforums.com, but I understand that's one more domain to support. Can you at least get all the archives up over here in your blast section?

As a blast owner, I wouldn't have ever gone to buellxb.com for information on my blast. I was only referred here by a friend who is an XB owner.
No offense to this site but buellforums.com was superior. This place looks like it's from 1990. I haven't seen a message board this lacking in features in years.
^ it might be missing a few things and need an update but its a forum its simple and easy to navigate easy to post on. this is way better than badweb. that sight its outdated and confusing.

oh and i vote to keep it as buellxb. we refer to it as "xb" when were talking about it at work.
My former decision on the name subject was probably bias as I feel this is my home forum ( Even though I haven't been a member that long ). Anyways the more I thought about it today, from a business stand point I think that Buellforums.com would be the better choice. I couldn't see doing away with Buellxb all together also ( for instance in the little time I've been a member I've seen several old members who sold there Buells and haven't came on the site in years and just got a new Buell so there back ).
The reason I changed my mind is the fact that Buellxb seems to represent the XB brand from an outside perspective ( which is obviously not true due to the wide verity of Buells here ). If I'm a current forum user of say a gixxer site and I buy a blast, 1125, or tuber and I want to find a Buell forum I may over look the XB forum because that's not what I have. If your are looking to grow it just seems like the better selling point to go with Buellforums from an unbiased stand point. The questions that came to mind were, " will you lose Buellxb members with the name change? "( probably not ) and, " will you lose potential members by not changing the name ( for reasons stated above )? " ( Possibly )  JMO
I am a small business owner and while I was at work today I tried to look at it as if it was my site and what I would do to grow it. A quote that I was told when first going into business for myself " Owning/Growing a business is like swimming upstream as soon as you stop swimming forward you will be going backwards " Just a little food for thought.

I wholeheartedly agree. There will be negligible, if any, loss in the xb following as I expect they're already here for the most part. The broader appeal of the buellforums.com name will only serve to increase membership/traffic, not the other way around. Folks that don't have an XB are less likely to stop here than XB owners bypassing the site if the name was changed to buellforums.
the buellforum guys don't seem to realize that it's THEIR forum that went tits up, not BUELLXB.COM. i think buellxb has been more than accommodating in welcoming and trying to get the data from buellforums. just deal with it and quit trying to cahnge everything overnight. [smirk]
I'm interested in your thoughts. Should we re-brand to BuellForums.com or keep it Buellxb.com? Do you think the Buellxb.com brand may drive away owners of some non XB model Buell motorcycle owners?

That was admins question
My former decision on the name subject was probably bias as I feel this is my home forum ( Even though I haven't been a member that long ). Anyways the more I thought about it today, from a business stand point I think that Buellforums.com would be the better choice. I couldn't see doing away with Buellxb all together also ( for instance in the little time I've been a member I've seen several old members who sold there Buells and haven't came on the site in years and just got a new Buell so there back ).
The reason I changed my mind is the fact that Buellxb seems to represent the XB brand from an outside perspective ( which is obviously not true due to the wide verity of Buells here ). If I'm a current forum user of say a gixxer site and I buy a blast, 1125, or tuber and I want to find a Buell forum I may over look the XB forum because that's not what I have. If your are looking to grow it just seems like the better selling point to go with Buellforums from an unbiased stand point. The questions that came to mind were, " will you lose Buellxb members with the name change? "( probably not ) and, " will you lose potential members by not changing the name ( for reasons stated above )? " ( Possibly )  JMO
I am a small business owner and while I was at work today I tried to look at it as if it was my site and what I would do to grow it. A quote that I was told when first going into business for myself " Owning/Growing a business is like swimming upstream as soon as you stop swimming forward you will be going backwards " Just a little food for thought.
This was my response and I would consider myself a buellxb'er . Never been on Buellforums.com . Admin asked for opinions that is what the whole treads about .
I am still in limited contact with former owner. I think he's busy and only has time to email me once or twice every 24 hours.

In his defense, our original agreement was to leave the old forum up until 4/8/12 when his hosting expired. For some reason the DNS info got messed up in the transfer. I hadn't heard back from him and the site was blank because of this issue so I just redirected the domain to Buellxb.com so Google wouldn't think it's dead.

We are working to get the info back, but our agreement was never for the actual database of old content, but just for the domain. He mentioned being too busy to run the forum anymore and was going to let the hosting expire. I think he wants more money if I was to purchase the archived content.

I'll keep emailing him. He was concerned and did care for the members. He mentioned being flooded with angry emails. Please go easy and let him and I try to work something out. All hope is not lost.

I'm inspired by the multiple former members that have offered their help, especially jetlee.

Please continue to give these Blast riders a warm welcome in the spirit of Buellxb.com.