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Maybe it's time you Blast guys upgrade from a starter bike to a bigger bike. lol :D
jetlee, start a new thread in the blast section. introduce yourself & put up a pic. of your bike.

Get the ball rollin'[up]
Buellxb.com ftw! Welcome buellforum members. I agree that it does really suck that the content was lost, but don't come over here angry. It's the buellforum.com's owners fault, not buellxb.com's owner.

Blame the man who sold the site and didn't tell anyone about it - or even offer it for sale to forum members for that matter. Hopefully someone can come up with a way to retrieve the old forum archives. Anyways I understand why blastards wouldn't feel welcome here, but you totally are. Just because the name is buell XB doesn't mean we don't have plenty of blast owners on here already.
It's the buellforum.com's owners fault, not buellxb.com's owner.
Again, we're not blaming BXB, but where else can we complain that people would understand? Facebook?

We're not complaining about BXB, we're complaining about and angry at Bigfattwin for the exact reasons you said, not saying anything or even offering to sell it to forum members.

We can't exactly PM him our concerns. I've emailed him, but received no response yet.

In the PM's I've so far had with buellxb (your admin here), I'm sure he'll do all he can to help us get our information back and hosted here with you guys.

I could care less about the name. I stated my opinion earlier, but if it stays BXB, oh well. I'm more concerned with our information than the title in the bar.
Your anger and frustration could be a product of being a grown man and riding a buell blast around town. lol :D
RuiP - I have plenty of bikes, and I am positive that out of all of them, a beginner would kill themselves the quickest on my blast. Imagine 50 - 60 hp on a bike that is 100 pounds lighter than yours and so sleek and low to the ground upright I can almost reach down and drag my hand on the street.

Fastest beginner bike ever built. lol

Anywho I'm just bustin chops, I mean no harm. :)
I vote BUELLXB.com that what my t-shirts and decals say that xtremelow took a lot of time to have made.

Gonna acquire badweb next? It seems that there has been less and less traffic on there recently.
Gonna acquire badweb next?  It seems that there has been less and less traffic on there recently
That's where I came from . Too many egos IMO and Froggy sucks. :D
I agree WALSXB, people here are very friendly and willing to help out with anything.
I don't think any former buellforum.com members mean any disrespect to you guys at all as jetlee's stated a few times. We just need to vent and this seems to be our new home by force lol. I was in the middle of working on a critical issue on my blast and the thread and all my reference data is gone so I am back to solo troubleshooting basically until the data gets re-hosted.

I am perfectly fine with the name staying alone as it is your site and we didn't buy you out, I am sure your admin will help us all he can as he is doing so already by what I can gather.

Just try not to get offended as more angry members flood in since most are going to need to vent and vent hard ... I know I did this morning when I found out. but a long ride calms the soul !
I joined the Buelletinboard and BuellXB the beginning of 2010 when I bought by '09 12R. I had never stumbled across BuellForums or I probably would have been a member there too. I divided my time, looking through both sites, pretty evenly at first, but ended up usually coming to BXB first and now spend most of my time on this over the Buelletinboard. Still like and use both sites but I just like coming here and spending more of my time here.

I didn't really like the layout of BXB when I first signed up because it isn't the traditional Vbulletin type layout that most of the other interenet forums use that I'm used to. Now, I love this place! It's nice and simple, nothing fancy, everything you need, not much of what you don't. Kind of like our Buells IMO.

That being said, Welcome BuellForum members! It sucks about everyone over there being caught off guard with this. I would hate if that happened at any of the forums I use. I hope all the information is secured/saved/shared so everyone here, new and existing users, can continue to benefit from all the knowledge and know how, especially with the Blasts.

I used a Blast during my MSF course on base when I was getting my first bike. I loved learning on that bike. They only had three of them and I made sure I was on one of them as they looked like the sportiest bikes they had! I've always wanted one after that to mess around with. After seeing the few posted in this thread already, I'm REALLY anxious to see all the threads/information from BuellForums. One day I would love to have a Blastard like Thumpe's!! :drool: That thing is sick!! [up] [up]