Hawk Performance Mufflers!!!

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My wife says us guys hate reading the manual first. It is the last thing we will do. And sometimes not until we break something.
Mine has the dual tips with the slash cut. It has a very deep sound to it. I'll see if I can get a video if the rain stops. Also real cool to hear the exhaust resinating off cars as they pass by.
Looks like all I have to do now is wait for January. The one month that is least likely to have more than two riding days around here.

BTW, how many pounds does the Hawker shed?
6 pounds? Randy told me but I can't recall. I was going to weigh mine b4 I installed it but I was so excited that I forgot!:D
I never weighed it but lifting my stock muffler compared to stock there is a huge difference. I would easily say 7-8lbs less.
I might have to put a "dust cover" on my Buell while the exhaust is off and sneak it out in a box to the UPS store so my wife won't notice. But boy will she notice the first time I fire it up after the Hawking.
Yeah...did mine on the "down-low" myself :D

Then I went with the "I told you about this already" approach...:p

+It was harder to hide the 3.5" lift kit and 33" tires on my Jeep.
I told the Boss that a mechanic told me the suspension was shot and it would cost less to do the lift kit than OEM. (probably true) I didn't tell her that to turn the bigger tires I had to lower the gears and since that required pulling the diff I figured I might as well have lockers put it. That first trip to the shop cost me $4K. And that was just the beginning. Ended up putting a total of about $16K is repairs and upgrades into my Jeep.
So $175 for reduce the weight of my exhaust is nothing.
Even easier way is to find a used muffler for sale and get it shipped direct to Hawk. That way you get to keep the stock one and no chance of the missus seeing you bike wiout a muffler. You also won't have to answer the question of its such a nice day...how come you are not riding your bike....Get a 9 muffler and save even more weight
Even easier way is to find a used muffler for sale and get it shipped direct to Hawk. That way you get to keep the stock one and no chance of the missus seeing you bike wiout a muffler.

I went this route. (got a 12 muffler tho) if you do this, make sure the seller sends you pics of the muffler. I think my muffler spent sometime in the rain off the bike because the inside was really rusty. Randy had a hard time getting the welds to a quality level that he was comfortable with.

The 9 pipes are single wall and don't have the valve so you do benefit from the lighter weight. This is the preferable pipe to mod with regards to weight.
The muffler I got also had a bit of rust inside. Any muffler sitting for a length of time will develop some rust. When is this rain gonna stop.........I know when.....when the snow starts.....
Just got off the phone with Randy.
I can hardly wait till January now. He explained how he came to the current design for the modification. Explained remapping a bit too.
Gotta love it when Buell enthusiasts with mechanical skills and a desire to make a good product better are able to share the results with Buell owners all over the world.
I weighed my stock pipe the other day at UPS when I sent it to Randy. 16lbs., I'll weigh the Hawked muffler when I get it...
Randy is a totally wicked awesome dude. Knows the Buell better than I know the back of my hand.
And great guy to talk to. He's got a code slinging friend that is doing the ECM stuff too.
Randy told me that he upsets many Busa guys because he gets from 0 to 120 so damn fast. The Busas eventually catch up and pass but man it must be a sweet to see one in the rear view for several seconds anyway.

As Randy explains it, I should send the ECM for reflashing to the slinger. I am told the 09 can't be reflashed the same way the older ones can.