They have the markings, but the selector only goes between safe and single fire. To get full auto:So the lowers for the ar15s that I'm seeing on here, do they have selector switches for semi and full auto?
1. Apply for NFA tax stamp (its $200, takes 6 months, and you probably won't get it for full auto, but you can for a suppressor)
2. Then you can get the lower kit for full auto
3. And then get a full auto BCG unless your AR already came with one (some do, some don't) is a very helpful site. just beware of the egos and bias opinions there and you'll find a wealth of info.Sorry if it's a dumb question but I just got my first ar a few months ago and would like some more info on building them. I would like to learn how to build my own as well as learn mods and maintaining my own. I read the manual but it only goes so far.